Track your shipment

Affordable shipping from US to Nigeria.

Easy package tracking, no Customs duties. We offer timely and stress-free shipping solutions from the USA to Nigeria.

Ship your packages to Nigeria with ease whenever you shop on e-commerce stores in the USA

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How to ship with Heroshe

Use Heroshe address

Get your valid US address when you sign up with Heroshe. Use it as your delivery address at checkout or have your packages sent there by loved ones

Track your shipments

Track your shipment from the US till it arrives in Nigeria on your mobile phone or the web

Deliver anywhere you choose

Pay to have your shipments delivered anywhere in Nigeria or pick them up for free in our Lagos office

We Make It Easy For You To Ship

Track and manage your shipments from anywhere

ship and manage your packages effectively. Save time and money when you ship with Heroshe.

We keep you in the know with regular update

Frequent communication on your shipment's status. Consistent updates from the time we receive your shipment till it gets delivered to you.

Great customer service for when you need help

Receive help when you need it. Our customer success team will promptly respond to your enquires.

Shipping price calculator

Predictable pricing, no surprises.

Price of shipping 1 lbs


Delivery Options



Total to pay

40,000+ people have trusted us with their shipping. Here’s what some of them have to say.

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Read more stories here

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there additional or hidden charges?

There are no additional shipping and clearing charges. But, a delivery charge of $10 applies to all packages. Please see the full pricing page for more details.

How to track your shipment?

Enter your tracking number into the search bar on the homepage to get the real-time progress of your shipment.

If i get scammed by someone using the Heroshe warehouse address, can i get my packages back?

Yes, we can help you get your package back. Just fill .

How much does it cost to ship a package to Nigeria?

We charge as low as $5 per pound for all shipments. Our minimum weight is 1 pound. Fragile items like TV and glass furniture have an optional crating fee. Please see the full for all the rate details.

How long does it take to get my package delivered to Nigeria?

14 - 21 days from the day the package ships out of our US warehouse if there is zero customs delay in Nigeria. The 14 -21 days doesn’t include the time it takes for the US store to deliver the package to our US warehouse. We ship packages every Thursday.

What is the acceptable mode of payment?

We accept payment in Naira or US Dollars through bank-to-bank transfers and debit or credit cards. We’re unable to accept cash, and cash on delivery.

Do i have to pay for delivery in Nigeria?

Yes, you pay $10 for door-to-door package delivery. Additionally, pick-up is available in our Lagos office.

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