ship and manage your packages effectively. Save time and money when you ship with Heroshe.
Frequent communication on your shipment's status. Consistent updates from the time we receive your shipment till it gets delivered to you.
Receive help when you need it. Our customer success team will promptly respond to your enquires.
Price of shipping 1 lbs
Delivery Options
Total to pay
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It's a New Year! A time to be happy, hopeful, and confidently declare that we will be the best versions of ourselves in 2022. The latter part, of course, is because of the annual New Year's resolutions tradition. Most of the annual vows have a bad habit of failing before the end of Q1 and in some cases, before January 31st. Why is it likely that a New Year's resolution fails? By the end of this article, you will know why it fails and you will learn ways to make your resolution(s) a success.
Read moreAs recent as 2018, the mini importation business in Nigeria was something you needed a lot of money to start. Not the same in 2022. Now, with the right guidance, you can start and sustain it with as little as 50,000 Naira. According to Ehab Atalla, “The connection between you and any business is knowledge.” Like with any other business, you can't jump into mini importation with no knowledge of it. Combine the knowledge with hard work and start earning profits in a few months. It is common kn
Read moreHave you ever needed to urgently pay for a shipment but had insufficient funds? Do you want to pay for your shipment but you have exceeded the CBN payment limit? Do you want your customers to pay for their shipment but can't figure out how? If your answer to any of those questions is yes, you are the reason Heroshe created Split Pay. What is Split pay, you may wonder? It is a split payment service that enables customers to create and share payment links with their loved ones to pa
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